Article I - Name
Article I - Name
- The name of the organization shall be "Municipal Development Officers Association of Nova Scotia".
Article II- Purposes
Article II- Purposes
- The purpose of the Association shall be:
- to promote and advance the status of persons engaged in the field of Municipal Development Control;
- to advance the quality of development control in Municipal Government in the Province;
- to encourage the interchange of ideas and experiences among the members;
- to encourage standards of performance for the members;
- to co-operate with government and other agencies to upgrade the quality of service of members through continuing education; and
- to work with government and other agencies in identifying problems in administering existing legislation and promoting necessary amendments.
- This Association is not organized for profit and no part of the earnings shall inure to the benefit any member or officer except as compensation for services rendered or for necessary expenses actually incurred and which are approved by the Executive Committee.
Article III - Membership
Article III - Membership
- The membership shall consist of the following:
- Regular membership may be extended by the Executive Committee to a person who is actively involved inn administering land use development controls as defined by the Planning Act, Chapter 9, Statutes of Nova Scotia 1983 or persons in other provinces in similar job roles who administer similar legislation.
- Associate membership may be extended by the Executive Committee to a person in the public service associated with some form of development control.
- Lifetime membership may be extended by the Executive Committee to a person in good standing who has continuously and tirelessly contributed to the Association above and beyond any expectations of the Association.
- Application for membership shall be made on application forms supplied for that purpose and submitted to the Executive Committee for their approval.
- Every member, upon admission, shall agree to comply with the Constitution and Bylaws of the Association.
- Only regular members in good standing shall have the right to hold office, the right to be on the Executive Committee, and the right to vote on matters relating to the Constitution, finances and Bylaws of the Association.
- All members in good standing shall have the right to vote on all other matters.
- Every member shall be entitled to receive a certificate of membership, and such certificate shall designate if the membership is regular or associate.
- Such certificate shall be issued upon payment of the prescribed fees.
Article IV - Finances
- The annual dues shall be determined by a majority vote of members present, entitled to vote, at a general meeting, and may be changed in the same manner following due notification given by a thirty (30) day notice in writing to the members.
- Dues are payable annually in advance. A member having dues in arrears for a period of one (1) year shall cease to be a member in good standing. Such members shall not again be eligible for membership in the Association until all arrears have been paid up, or waived by official action of the Executive Committee, or by a majority vote of the membership.
- A person who has been granted Lifetime Membership by the Association shall be exempt from Membership Fees and Dues.
- It shall be the duty of the Executive Committee to prescribe by resolution the method of handling receipts and disbursement of funds.
- The fiscal year of the Association shall be from the first day of April to the thirty-first of March the following year.
Article V - Officers and Executive Committee
Article V - Officers and Executive Committee
- The governing body of the Association shall be the Executive Committee consisting of:
- the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be regular members of the Association and shall be for terms of two (2) years.
- two (2) members of the Association shall also be elected to serve as Directors on the Executive Committee. Each shall serve a terms of office lasting two (2) years, but with elections staggered so that one (1) Director is elected each year.
- the immediate Past President or in his inability to serve, the next most Past President.
- Four (4) members shall constitute a quorum of the Executive Committee.
- In the event of a vacancy on the Executive Committee, the remaining members of the Committee shall have the power to elect a member possessing the qualifications specified in Article III, Section 4, to fill the unexpired term of office.
- A Regular Member shall chair the Nominating Committee that will present a slate of officers for the ensuing year. After presentation of the report of the Nominating Committee, the meeting shall be at liberty to present further nominations prior to the election of any officer or member of the Executive Committee.
- The Executive Committee shall be elected in the following order:
- Presiden
- Vice-President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Director
- * any unsuccessful candidate may be nominated for any other office unless he declines.
Article VI - Duties of Officers
Article VI - Duties of Officers
- The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Association. He/she shall preside at all meetings and shall be Chairman of the Executive Committee. He/she shall issue the call for regular or special Executive Committee meetings. He/she shall appoint standing Committees and act as an ex officio member of each Committee. He/she shall see that these Committees shall function and shall co-operate with the Committee Chairman to that end. He/she shall perform such other duties as may from time to time be assigned to him/her by the Executive Committee or by other members.
- In the absence or inability to act of the President, the Vice-President shall perform the duties and have the power of the President.
- In the absence of the President and the Vice-President at a duly called meeting, a Chairman shall be appointed by the members present.
- The Secretary shall keep all records and conduct all correspondence of the Association. He/she shall give notice and keep minutes of all general meetings and Executive Committee meetings. He/she shall attest all necessary instruments and forward all data and information to the members.
- The Treasurer shall collect Association dues and receive all monies, depositing them in a bank in the name of the Association. All cheques and vouchers must be signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by the President or Vice-President. He/she shall have custody of all funds and securities. He/she shall prepare and submit financial reports annually to the Executive Committee and at other times as requested by the Executive Committee.
- A Director shall represent the Executive Committee by sitting on the Certification Committee and Education Committee and shall also assist in the coordination of conferences, and other duties as required. The Executive Committee shall determine which Director will sit on each of these Committees. A Director shall also act as an internal auditor once a year reviewing the Associations' financial transactions.
Article VIII - Meetings
Article VIII - Meetings
- The Annual Meeting of the Association shall be held within sixty (60) days of the end of the fiscal year at such time and place as the Executive Committee may decide. The Executive Committee shall have its Annual Meeting immediately following the Annual Meeting of the Association.
- Special meetings of the Association shall be held on the request in writing of any three (3) regular meetings or as called by the Executive Committee upon notice in writing to members seven (7) days prior to the meeting.
- The Membership of the Association shall be notified at least two (2) weeks in advance of the date and place of the Annual Meeting.
- A minimum of twelve (12) regular members in good standing shall constitute a quorum.
- Special meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held on the call of the President or on the request in writing to the President of any two (2) members of the Committee.
Article IX - Amendments
Article IX - Amendments
- These Bylaws may be amended or repealed by a resolution of not less than one-half the regular members in good standing at the Annual Meeting of the Association, provided that notice of any proposed amendments or repeal shall have been sent to all members not less than sixty (60) days prior to the Annual Meeting. Where a members is not able to attend the Annual Meeting his/her vote by proxy shall be permitted.
- Any member my propose an amendment to the Bylaw or the repeal of a Bylaw and such proposal shall be int he hands of the Secretary at least ninety (90) days prior to the Annual Meeting of the Association.
- When deemed necessary, the regular members may, by majority vote, direct that a ballot on the matter of the Constitution or Bylaw amendment be taken through polling the regular members by mail.
View the entire Municipal Development Officers Association Of Nova Scotia Constitution And Bylaw